Puddle Jumps

Friday, April 19, 2013

Stampendous and PL together... NICELY done

It's blog hop day with Project Life and Stampendous Impressions!

The Design Team is putting on some flair with our Stampendous supplies and Becky Higgins Project Life Page Protectors.
But before we get to my project there is the important matter of PRIZES! Oh yeah, if you have been with us all this week you know that Laura at Stampendous has oodles of prizes in store. It's easy to have a chance to win, just comment away! Details are all on the Stampendous Blog

Back to my project. Oh my pages came together like a storybook! I know that's how they are suppose to be with divided page protectors, but I started with a picture of my son maneuvering around with a clunky toy. 

On the first half of my two-page Project Life spread I captured my son. He's got an elephant rocker my dad made for me when I was his age. My dad was crafty with wood and so was his dad. They had lots of tools to get the job done and I suppose as I thought through this layout I realized all the tools I have to get my crafty jobs done.

Stampendous products used for the first page:
ARTIST ELEMENTS (sneak peek alert! You can find this at most retailers soon! REAL SOON!)

For the second half of my layout is a sequel of sorts to the first page. My train of thought went from something my dad made me to how I make things, we both have a lot of supplies to do what we do and then among some of the precious to me items I found were sets of rubber stamps. Stamps that I believe my grandpa used to mark the grandfather clocks he made. It's something I wanted to document.

Stampendous products used for the second page:
CLING TYPING ELEMENTS (another sneak peek alert!!!!! Yep, it's a new April stamp coming soon!

That's all from me today! There's more inspiration ahead. Here's a list of some fellow designers.

Janelle Stollfus (you are here)

Stamps: See links under each page
Paper: Bazzill Basic Papers, Tim Holtz Distressed Core-dination paper
Ink: Jet Black (Tsukineko)
Accessories: acrylic paints, Ochre Color Fragments (Stampendous)

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  1. I love the Serengeti stamps! Great layout! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love the Serengeti stamps! Your PL layout is great! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I have to say I love this block type layout and all the journaling! Great concept!

  4. A really beautiful layout Janelle and I'm so happy to be hopping here.
    Fliss x

  5. These are just gorgeous, Janelle! The colors are so vibrant and beautiful without stealing from the photos! Fantastic job! Thanks so much for participating!

  6. Awesome! So much fun and love the bright happy colors

  7. LOVE these inserts on the pages! Fun and colorful and great way to accent the photos!

  8. So cool that you have stamps that were your dads! That's so awesome and I'm sure you treasure them dearly! Your pages are great, love the colors; like you, I love a rainbow of color.

  9. Perfect selection of colors and themes...two awesome Project Life pages.

  10. Such interesting layouts! Love these, hugs Jenny x

  11. I like your thought process on these two pages.

  12. Great layout.

    craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

  13. I love the idea of combining Project Life with Stampendous stamps, pure genius!

    Carol B

  14. Wonderful bold colors! I really like the clean black stamping too- great accents but doesn't take away from the photos at all.

  15. Love your color combo on your pages and it's so nice you have stamps that were your dad's :)

  16. Great pages! Love the pic of your son with the elephant rocker, and the one of your crafty tools is fab!

  17. Love the compositions on these pages! I really like the use of the bold colors and the clean layout.

  18. Love the work that you do. I have gotten many great ideas by looking at what you do. Thank you


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Have a wonderful day!