Puddle Jumps

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Facebook Cover Photo Update

See that up above? I made that all by mah'selfs.

I created some graphics to do for a map making activity in my kids Caravan's class at church last night. They were still on my computer screen when I got home since I made them right before we left and so when I sat down I got an idea to use one of them again. I was smitten with the city street/scape that I made and so I colored it and decided to use it as my cover photo in Facebook.

I might like to stop in sometime there and get a latte. Or maybe I'll add another building with a latte sign... if I have enough time.

What's coming up??????

Late Thursday night I'll be posting a journal page with the next Mix-Ability challenge! Have you jumped in on the mixed media challenge this week? I hosted MIX11 and Friday the new one is hosted by talented Miss Dini.
I'll be back on Friday with another Project Life layout and a Stampendous Blog Hop with prizes. Did you know that you can get a prize for commenting on our team posts? Go to the Stampendous blog and find all the posts for Project Life this week and comment away!
Comment to win a free April Club Cr8 e-book at this POST! Deadline is Monday 5:00 p.m. MT. One comment per person please.


  1. You can never have too many craft books! I love reading ANY craft book I can get my hands on because I love learning new things! Thanks for the chance to win and learn something new!

  2. Forgot to leave my email! macaskillbarbara@yahoo.com


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Have a wonderful day!