Puddle Jumps

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I'm at it again...

I'm in the trenches of crafting for a Christmas Bazaar this coming weekend. I'm so incredibly busy I'm amazed how things are getting done and yet not getting done. This time around there will be a slew of elementary children with their parents as guests passing by my booth so I'm focusing on fun and friendly gifts. So do your kids write thank you's for christmas gifts? Well, I'll be prepared for the few of you who said yes.

The not getting done part of my post is a blessing in disguise with orders for headbands and a few tooth pillows. While I won't have those orders done anytime soon, here are some of the items from the last bazaar that will show again this weekend.

Making headbands has definitely made me want to change my hairstyle! I love they way they look on all sorts of styles... but mine. Ha-ha. Tis true friends and that only means I need to figure on making a styling change if I'm going to enjoy all the fruits of my labor.

So tooth pillows? Yes, those things that make it tons easier for the tooth fairy to retrieve and reward for all those lost ivories. There's a history with these little teeth pillows. I teach on Wednesday nights to a group of about 14-16 adorable littles for my church's children program. We go over all different things in life and back in the fall one event was about going to the dentist. So these started out as two felt shapes glued together with a pocket to be placed on the back to keep those precious little teeth we loose as children. I didn't get them done in time so they sat for over a month until I found out there would be a bazaar fundraiser for my son's school. My mother-in-law and I started reworking them into something like the pattern you can get over on mmmcrafts blog (seriously, this is a very cute and easy pillow to make). Now for the other 14 or so that are not stuffed or costumed. Then of course, what do I do with all of them when they are completed.

Dancer Girl Tooth Pillow

Hula Girl Tooth Pillow
I think their eyes need little black beads to keep me sane. What do you think?

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